Loans of
or Less
Less Than
Annual Sales
Up to $5m for Wholesale
for Mfg's

Created to Empower Small, For-Profit Businesses in South Carolina to Grow and Expand

The SC Capital Access Program (SC CAP) lending program is designed to provide financial institutions operating in South Carolina a flexible and non-bureaucratic tool to make business loans that are considered more risky than conventional loans.

As of 03/7/2025
6.246%25-Year 504 Rate
6.315%20-Year 504 Rate
7.50%Prime Rate

Quick and Non-Bureaucratic Small Business Loan Program

The SC CAP program is ideal for small, for-profit businesses that need a quick and non-bureaucratic loan of $100,000 or less. This flexible lending program empowers businesses to grow and expand, which ultimately provides more jobs and better economic conditions in South Carolina.

Reserve Fund Concept

The SC CAP program utilizes a reserve fund concept, which allows financial institutions the ability to make business loans that are considered higher risk than conventional loans and that may not meet conventional underwriting standards.

SC CAP Loans are
Available through Participating Lenders

Contact Us


Empowering Small Businesses and Benefitting Lenders

The SC CAP program is simple, fast and flexible, without any input from BDC or the State.

Small Business Borrower

  • Gives the borrower access to short- or long-term financing that may not otherwise be available

  • Allows borrowers to receive a quick response to a loan request

  • Provides fast and easy disbursement of funds to the borrower

  • Provides a flexible and non-bureaucratic resource for funding


  • Provides a simple process, with few forms and no delays

  • Allows the lender to solely make its own credit decisions and set its own underwriting standards, rate structure, terms & fees to the borrower

  • Helps the lender retain client and ancillary banking services

  • Provides the lender CRA credit for each transaction

For-Profit Businesses That Qualify

Businesses that may qualify for this loan program are entities that carry on a business activity for profit in South Carolina, including:

  • Cooperatives

  • Corporations

  • Joint Ventures

  • Partnerships

  • Sole Proprietorships


Rob Evans
Senior Vice President, SBA & SSBCI Lending Officer